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Georgia Process Servers Virtual Academy / GASVA
Georgia Professional Process Server Training

Let's get started! ***HINT - this page has ALL the links you will need, so it is worth the read!

1) Pre-Certification: Just CLICK HERE to start the class. All 3 Parts must be completed. You will get an email after the completion of each Part.

Check out the Navigation icon (3 bars) at the top left corner of this page, and click Resource Library and then Search (leave it blank) ...SURPRISE!... here are items you will be looking for later. All the other study materials are available free at Georgia Process Servers Virtual Academy / GASVA

You may pause and return at any time.

Continuing Ed: Just CLICK HERE! If there are multiple Parts, each must be completed.

2) When finished, use the Exit or EXIT Course button of the final slide to record your completion, then it will return to your Home Page (here!) where you can close Latitude Learning and your browser. ***

Please be very careful to exit the CLASS WINDOW within Latitude Learning first, because closing the tab or browser first will not allow the class to record completion, even if you are at the end.

You and I will both receive an automated email that you have completed...which prompts me to produce your Certificate and email it to you for printing...easy as that!

3) After you have completed any course, you may review it again at any time using the TRAINING HISTORY button on the left.

The Practice Exam is available for you to download and print from Georgia Process Servers Virtual Academy / GASVA Library

Another great interactive practice exam is available at this link for StudyStack! There you can choose flash cards, multiple-choice, or several other formats of study.

Please send any questions throughout your progress to

You may also reach Rochelle Earthrise directly during reasonable hours at 404-824-8544

Study materials, templates, links and information regarding maintaining certification are available at Georgia Process Servers Virtual Academy / GASVA whenever you need them!

(404) 330-9066

2296 Henderson Mill Rd #116, Atlanta, GA 30345, USA

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