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Become a Professional Process Server in Georgia

Want to be a professional?

Set your own fees and make your own schedule?

Get certified and do it right! (And to STAY certified, see the Continuing Ed class!) This online Pre-Certification Course is priced right to get started and turn a profit right away. The 12-credit-hours course is just $180.00. This is not a ZOOM meeting class that leaves you hanging with questions! You have unlimited review of the course until you pass the state exam, and direct professor contact, too.

The online course design allows you to study at your own pace, and encourages immediate entry into the field of process serving. This class is fully accredited by the Georgia JC/AOC , and covers all the statutes necessary to successfully master their exam for certification. There's even a practice exam in the Library tab for you to test yourself and warm up your test-taking synapses!

We encourage you to seek full certification, but also want to clear up any confusion about the relevant statutes in Georgia. Certification of process servers is not required, but court appointment is! We will make sure you understand the difference, and the opportunities for higher profitability by becoming certified. Education is the key, and the choices of how to build your business are always yours.

Free ride-along ... prior to, or after exam.

Free trial ServeManager account.

Free trial My Private Eye account for investigator/servers.

AcademyGPPS is completely Student-friendly:

No membership fees.

No "credit card or online processing" fees.

No mass emails.

Lots of industry specific answers!

Just proceed to the Pre-Certification tab for more information and enrollment.

New Court in Georgia! Can you serve for it? See details in the Library tab...

Georgia State-wide Business Court

Current Covid-19 GA Regulations

Federal CDC Guidelines

Federal CARES ACT Eviction Moratorium

Cares Act Affidavit for landlords *required for service in dispossessory cases

Service of Process is ESSENTIAL COURT SUPPORT.

Stay Certified! Continuing Education-5 credit hours as required by OCGA 9-11-4.1

Courts are requiring this even if you are not certified... OPEN FOR ENROLLMENT COMPLETELY ONLINE and student driven on your own schedule! Just go to the tab for Continuing Education , and follow the simple process...(pun intended!) While our school is in Georgia, the topics and issues addressed are industry-wide, and we encourage expanding your profitability by gaining skills and experience for serving cases from across the nation and around the world. Earn the five hours of credit required to keep your Georgia Certification active for $ 75.00, with no additional online payment fees. Fully accredited by the GA JC/AOC. Even if you are not Certified... Most GA courts that issue annual orders are now requiring at least the Certificate of Completion from accredited industry education providers such as AcademyGPPS. We only charge the flat fee regulated by the JC/AOC, $75.00, with no online processing, membership, or other fees tacked on.

You complete the class on your own schedule. When you finish, we will send your Certificate of Completion by email...that's all there is to it!

We are proud members of

National Association of Professional Process Servers

(404) 330-9066

2296 Henderson Mill Rd #116, Atlanta, GA 30345, USA

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